The history of the Christian Restoration Association begins with the estate of Sidney S. Clarke. Mr. Clarke was a Christian gentleman who left part of his estate to the Richmond Street Christian Church in Cincinnati Ohio, for the purpose of establishing new churches in "destitute places." The resounding early success of this initiative resulted in monies flowing to expand the influence of the Clark estate. This ultimately led to the establishment of the Clarke Fund to act independently of the Clarke Estate.
In 1925, the Clarke Fund was changed to the Christian Restoration Association. The Clarke Fund was established with its objective carefully written in its constitution:" To receive and distribute monies for the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the organization of Churches of Christ according to the New Testament Pattern, and other church, educational, missionary, and benevolent enterprises," This Mission was and is continued by the Christian Restoration Association today.
The 1920's was a time of great change among the Christian Churches of Christ. Liberalism in the form of denying cardinal doctrines of the Scriptures, open membership ( accepting individuals into the fellowship who had not obeyed the gospel of Christ ), and centralized control of missionary agencies posed a grave threat to the churches. The Christian Restoration Association was formed to stand in the gap against the onslaught of these forces; these forces over time have proven hostile to the pure New Testament message.
These same threats exist and threaten our churches today. In the face of these and other threats, the Christian Restoration Association stands ready to defend and disseminate the pure New Testament Christian message.
No one goes to work to do a bad job." Whatever an individual's role in life- from senior executive to blue collar employee to college student- everyone shows up each day with the intention to do and be the best they can. Inherit in the execution of one's role is-from senior executive to blue collar employee to college student-everyone shows up each day with the intention to do and be the best they can. Inherent in the execution of one's role is, of course being prepared. Employers expect their employees to deliver quality products. Professors expect their students to be ready for exams. Diligent preparation is required to tackle the challenges of this earthly life.
The Bible teaches a Judgment Day is coming, in that there is eternal life which requires diligent preparation. One would be hard pressed to identify a single congregation, across the broad spectrum of Christianity, that doesn't believe it is preparing people for eternity. The burning question is, how does every congregation provide what individuals need to be properly prepared? Will everyone in every congregation be ready come Judgment Day?
Matthew 7:21-23 teaches plainly that many who think and feel ready are in fat lacking the necessary preparation. "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but who does the will of My Father in heaven" the Lord warns.
John 12:44-50 teaches that the standard come judgment day will be none other than the Word of God-God's revealed will. Diligent preparation, consistent with the revealed truths in God's Word, is what is required.
The Christian Restoration Association exists to Defend and Disseminate Pure New Testament Christianity So that churches can properly prepare individuals for eternity.