I hope you had a good 2024, and I hope your 2025 is even better.
Let’s get right to the point. It’s a New Year, so let’s start it off with some really good biblical advice. Now, I realize that no one really likes taking advice—especially if we didn’t ask for it. In sharp contrast, most people seem to truly enjoy giving advice. I understand this. I am pretty much the same way.
However, when the advice comes from God’s Word, all that changes. When God gives us advice, it is smart to accept it and follow it.
God has and always will be very intentional about all He does.
Darwinism explains the universe coming into being as a result of a giant explosion, with everything eventually arising from chaos. Those who hold to the “Intelligent Design” concept see order and discipline as the root of all we observe within the cosmos.
Not only did God create the universe and the planet we call Earth, but He also developed a balance of both work and rest for His most prized creation.
Christian apologists have long said that the three greatest miracles of the Christian faith are the creation of the universe, the incarnation of Jesus Christ, and His bodily resurrection from the dead. To these a fourth awesome miracle could be added—fulfilled Bible prophecy.
In January 2015, a carrier ship called the Hoegh Osaka departed from a British port transporting cars and trucks to a Middle Eastern port. Suffering from a drastic imbalance, the vessel eventually tilted starboard, lost its propelling and steering capabilities, and ran aground, breaching the hull and flooding the ship.
In 1 Peter 2:4-5, the inspired apostle writes, “Coming to Him as to a living stone which has been rejected by men, but is choice and precious in the sight of God, you also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” Just as Jesus is, we are to be. Jesus is a living stone, Peter says “you also."
Recycled Riches
The C.R.A. has funds that have been left in our keeping with which to help the churches. Recycled Riches is a no-interest lending fund where Christians are helping Christians
Learn MoreChristian Bible Institute
The Christian Bible Institute is an online study program designed for elders, deacons, teachers and other Christians to help provide training for more proficient leadership for the churches.
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The C.R.A. has always been interested in reaching the world for Christ. We have also always had experienced men working with us in the field of evangelism. If your congregation is in need of an evangelist, please contact us.
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The C.R.A. sponsors a Bible Conference every two years and co-sponsors yearly conferences. We work with local churches to provide speakers and programs to bring the best in Bible education to an area.
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